

Amid the political turmoil that pervades many p艺术 of the world, 尤其是中东地区, knowledge of the Arabic Language and Culture has become pivotal to many students seeking careers in the field of international relations and politics. Understanding the interconnectedness between bilingualism and better career opportunities, many 电子游戏软件 departments (i.e., 政治科学, International Studies, 历史, 等.) encourage their students to pick Arabic as a language to study.

Knowledge of Arabic enhances your chances in a global and fast-growing job market. Those who study Arabic find careers in numerous fields including, 虽然不限于, 金融和银行业, 笔译和口译, 咨询, foreign service and 情报, 新闻, 还有很多其他的. 然而,, despite the increased demand for Arabic speakers, the Western world has not fully taken advantage of this. Arabic gives students an edge in a competitive global market not yet recognized by many college students who would otherwise enhance their employment opportunities to work in influential Middle Eastern companies. The Arab world has a combined CDP of 2.8万亿年, and Arabic may be the distinguishing factor that would give you access to these exclusive opportunities.

Knowledge of Arabic is also essential to understanding the world’s second-largest religion and the first largest religion in the Arab World, 伊斯兰教. 伊斯兰教 is not just a religion; it is a lifestyle to Arabs. Studying Arabic offers you an invaluable insight into 伊斯兰教ic beliefs and traditions while it connects you to the rich 历史 of another civilization.




The departmental minor in Arabic Studies covers areas of Modern Standard Arabic and Modern Hebrew, Modern Middle Eastern 文学 and cultural 历史, 和近东文明.

It requires a minimum of six approved one-semester courses (18 credits):

  • Two courses (6 credits) in Modern Standard Arabic above the Intermediate I level
  • Four courses (12 credits) from the departmental offerings in Middle Eastern languages, 文化, 文献, 和文明


Q. Why add Arabic language as a minor?

A. Learning Arabic broadens one's understanding of other 文化 and gives one a competitive advantage in fields where language proficiency is valued, 比如商业, 情报, 和外交. An Arabic minor offers multidisciplinary perspectives on topics impacting the Arabic-speaking world, complementing majors such as international relations, 历史, 以及全球电子游戏正规平台.

Q. How could Arabic language proficiency improve a student's chances for employment and global competency?

A. Speaking Arabic can help you further your career in government, 非政府工作, 国际业务, and 新闻—especially in the Middle East—and is an essential language in global affairs.

Q. What distinct cultural understandings and encounters can students have when learning Arabic?

A. Gaining knowledge of Arabic promotes stronger cross-cultural ties by providing insight into the rich customs, 文学, 历史, and artistic expression of the Arab world.

Q. Why Study Arabic over other languages? Isn’t Arabic Harder than Languages like French and Spanish?

A. Arabic is not only the 6th most spoken language, but it is also a language connected to a vast and extremely diverse set of 文化 spanning multiple continents. Beyond just the constant political importance and news of the Middle East, Arabic connects us to a variety of peoples, 艺术, 宗教, 食物, 等. that are completely different than traditional western modes of thought. 阿拉伯语当然是不同的. It comes from an entirely different language family and has a different alphabet. 然而, 就像任何语言或技能一样, the question is not necessarily about the difficulty but rather a personal question to oneself - How hard am I willing to try? Language is like a muscle, and Arabic is no different. If you speak it consistently and work on the vocabulary and structures, your skills will improve markedly over time just like French or Spanish.



A student-run night of song, dance, fashion, poetry, and Arabic cuisine. Students develop projects to showcase their creativity and knowledge of Aracbic culture. This annual event is an impactful and enjoyable learning experience.


Some of our students also collaborate with Astaza, BC’s Middle East Ensemble in presenting Arabic music and singing during two performances: one in the fall and one in the spring. 穆斯林学生协会, 阿拉伯学生协会, and the Lebanese Club host events and expose students to the culture of Arabic speaking countries,.


Every Wednesday we have coffee hour. Students can learn about a new theme pertaining to the 文化 in various Arabic speaking countries, 比如音乐或食物. Students can eat and drink traditional 食物 from Arabic Speaking countries.